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We are currently looking for a Research Integrity Editor to join our Research Integrity team in London.

Hindawi and CCDC accelerate the release of crystal structure data


Authors | Researchers | Data sharing

Crystallographers routinely deposit their newly discovered small molecule structures with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC). A new...

The Science of Communication: what’s in it for researchers

Opinion | Researchers

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Sarah Greaves joins OASPA Board of Directors

Opinion | Newsletter

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Publish with us
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For publishers

For publishers
To assist publishers and societies in embracing the advantages offered by an open access publishing model, we have created Phenom - a simple, intuitive, cost-effective publishing solution that supports all workflows; from submission and peer review through to production and publication. Partner with us



Editor Spotlight: Meet Professor Jenny Wilkinson

Authors | Editors

This blog is part of our ‘Editor Spotlight Series’. Look out for monthly posts where our Associate Editors share insights into their roles, tips for...

Journal reporting crucial to help authors make the right decision



Journal-level reporting can enable authors to choose the right journal for their research. Here’s how we help Hindawi authors navigate through our...

Streamlining chemistry preprints to peer review

Streamlining chemistry preprints to peer review

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An interview with Marshall Brennan of ChemRxiv about how our upcoming partnership will support submissions to Hindawi’s open access journals.

Dealing with dual submission and publication

Authors | Research integrity

This post addresses some of the issues surrounding dual publication and...

Editor spotlight: Meet Associate Professor Henrik Falhammar

Editors | Researchers

This blog is part of our ‘Editor Spotlight Series’. Look out for monthly...

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